This Art Studio in Oregon Throws Epic Paint Hurling Parties, And You’re Invited

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Art, Art, Business, Do It Yourself, Entertainment, Family Fun, Featured, Interesting, Lifestyle, Social, Things To Do, Travel, Western Oregon

Albany Oregon is home to one of the most unique art studios in the US. Splatter Box is the one and only paint throwing studio currently in existence, and it should be on your Oregon bucket list!

Creativity Unleashed

Your trip to Splatter Box is meant to break all artistic stereotypes one splatter at a time. If you want to finger paint, you can. If you want to use a brush, or your hair, or dump paint out of a cup onto your canvas, it's all up to you.

"At our studio everything is a canvas, especially the people," said Splatter Box Owner Laura Ellis. "You can paint on walls, create designs on each other, and [paint on canvases]. Many parties turn into a paint fight and [it's] a blast."

You don't have to paint on the walls or do a splatter painting. Amazing and creative works of art are possible too. Check out this PNW inspired artwork that someone made at Splatter Box!

At the studio you'll be using high quality pain that glows bright in the black light of the room, allowing you to create vibrant designs.

splatter box albany oregon

Image by Danielle Denham / thePDXphotographer

You will get messy at Splatter Box, but there are caps, ponchos, and shoe covers for $1 each to help keep your clothes clean. The paint will most likely not stain fabric, and definitely will not stain your skin or hair. You should expect it to wash off easily in the shower once you're home.

Image by Danielle Denham / ThePDXPhotographer

If you're worried about valuables like your glasses or purse getting paint on it, you can use one of the lockers to store valuables at no extra cost.

Splatter Box Info

Splatter Box is the perfect place to go on a fun date night, spend time with family and friends, or book a party. On Saturday nights after 8 pm Splatter Box becomes a 21 years and older only establishment, where guests are welcome to bring their own beer, wine, or cider. No hard alcohol is allowed.

Image by Danielle Denham / thepdxphotographer

During Splatter Box sessions, fun upbeat music is played, though the music isn't censored so there might be a curse word or two heard in the lyrics.

Image by Danielle Denham / thepdxphotographer

Splatter Box offers teen nights, BYOB (bring your own beer) nights, open splatter times, and you can book for parties or field trips. It should be noted that all guests are required to wear closed toe shoes.

For more information, check out the Splatter Box website and Facebook page. Give Splatter Box a call at 541-231-7922 or visit them at 131 Montgomery St. NE in downtown Albany Oregon.

Have you been to Splatter Box in Albany? What was your favorite part? Let us know in a comment and tag all the friends and family you want to have a paint night with!

Image by Danielle Denham / thepdxphotographer

Image by Danielle Denham / thepdxphotographer

Image by Danielle Denham / thepdxphotographer

Image by Danielle Denham / thepdxphotographer

Image by Danielle Denham / thepdxphotographer

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Written By Jessica Tomlinson

Jessica Tomlinson is a native Oregonian currently living in Southern Oregon. She has been blogging since 2006. She loves nature, photography, hiking, camping, and exploring Oregon's wilds.

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