
Foraging in Oregon is a unique and rewarding experience due to its abundant and diverse natural resources. The state’s forests, coastline, and mountains offer an array of wild edibles, including mushrooms, berries, and wildflowers. With a long history of sustainable foraging practices, Oregonians have a deep respect for the land and its offerings. The state is also home to several foraging experts and classes, making it a great destination for those interested in learning more about wild foods and their uses. Whether you’re a seasoned forager or a curious beginner, Oregon is the perfect place to explore the world of wild edibles.

Matsutake Mushroom Season Is About To Begin – Here’s How To Forage For Them!

The 2023 matsutake mushroom season is about to kick off, with Deschutes National Forest opening its doors to foragers from Tuesday September 5th, 2023 through November 6, 2023. These highly sought-after mushrooms are often found nestled in the damp soil beneath pine and fir trees, appearing as...

Find Your Berry Bliss On a Summer Day Trip to This U-Pick Farm

As I sit down to write this piece, the sun-kissed berries that danced in the summer sun on my recent visit to Columbia Farms U-Pick on Sauvie Island are still vivid in my mind. Let me take you on a virtual tour of this beautiful piece of Oregon, an agricultural oasis that invites you to immerse...

This Oregon Conservancy Is Helping Identify Rare Apple Varieties Lost To Time

Apple pie, apple fritters, and an essential addition to school lunchboxes, apples are a staple to the American diet and a childhood favorite for many. What you may not know is that North America used to have 17,000 varieties of domesticated apples. Today only around 4,500 varieties of apples...

The Largest Organism on the Planet Is Right Here in Oregon

It's not the Blue Whale. In fact, it has a total weight of more than 20 Blue Whales, and here's a hint: Alice would be proud. Located in the Blue Mountains within the Malheur National Forest in Eastern Oregon, armillaria ostoyae is an enormous organism dubbed the "Humongous Fungus" by scientists....

Forage Your Own Wild Mushrooms in Oregon This Fall

Oregon has the perfect environment to nurture dozens of species of edible wild mushroom varieties. Whats more, fall is the perfect season to go off on a foraging expedition of your own! Before you begin, take a moment to learn some very important details that will make your collecting experience...