
ODFW Warns About Bears On The Oregon Coast Due To Late Berry Crop

Due to unseasonably cool weather and failed pollination, Salmonberries and Thimbleberries (an important food source for bears) are not yet ripe. As a result of the delayed berry crops, bears on the Oregon coast have been forced to find other food sources, often times in areas where humans live....

Guide to Prineville Reservoir State Park

Western Oregon isn't known for its clear skies. Most days, the mist and rain obscure the horizon, blocking picturesque views of mountaintops, forested hills, and meadows. Often at night, our only glimpse of the celestial bodies is a dim moon shining through the clouds. When we do get a peek of...

Visit The Oregon Coast Aquarium This Summer And Experience The New Nature Play Area

The Oregon Coast Aquarium has always been about guest experiences. Whether it's traveling through a tunnel in Passages Of The Deep to check out sharks and huge bat rays, getting up close and personal with an octopus in an Animal Encounter, or interacting with sea creatures in the touch pool, the...

It’s Not Too Late To See 5 Planets In The Night Sky Of Oregon With The Naked Eye

Throughout the early part of June 2022, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury appeared to line up in the night sky. Starting on June 16th the five planets began to break out of formation and will now appear to travel away from each other again, though it's not too late to see these dazzling...

Remains of 300-Year Old Spanish Ship That Inspired ‘Goonies’ Found in Oregon

The remains of a 17th-century Manilla Galleon were recovered from a sea cave near Manzanita. The timber, believed to have come from the hull of the Santo Cristo de Burgos, was discovered by local beachcombers in 2013. After being stalled by COVID restrictions, the excavation process was expedited,...

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