Beyond Oregon

Planning To Travel for The April 2024 Solar Eclipse? Extreme Warnings Abound For Tourists

If Oregon's 2017 total solar eclipse is any indication, travel to the eastern side of the U.S. to view April 2024's redux is going to be crazy. Quaint towns and remote areas across the U.S. are gearing up for an influx of eclipse enthusiasts eager to witness the awe of a total solar eclipse this...

Photographer Captures Once In A Lifetime Images Of A Humpback Whale Breaching In Seattle’s Puget Sound

On Nov. 30, 2023, a young humpback whale, approximately two years old and now identified with the number CRC-20899, was seen breaching near Seattle's iconic Space Needle. This event, captured in photographs by Jeff Hogan of the Soundwatch Boater Education Program, provided not only...

Maryhill Stonehenge: America’s Intriguing Stone Circle on the Columbia

When the word "Stonehenge" is spoken, an image instantly comes to mind: the prehistoric circle of massive stones standing sentinel on the Salisbury Plain of England, shrouded in mystery and ancient lore. But what if I told you that thousands of miles away, just across the Columbia River from...

This Museum Is A Gem Nestled in the Scenic Beauty of The Gorge

As the golden rays of dawn kiss the Columbia River Gorge, there lies a treasure tucked into Washington State’s undulating landscapes: the Maryhill Museum of Art. This majestic edifice doesn't just serve as a repository for art; it's a testament to the vision of its founder, Samuel Hill, and his...

Maryhill Winery: A Tuscan Vino Retreat So Close to Home

Nestled on the majestic slopes of Washington State, Maryhill Winery is an emblem of the Pacific Northwest's wine prowess. Conveniently located just across the Columbia River from Oregon, this winery offers not just exquisite sips, but an experience that echoes the enchanting vibes of a European...